Fabric- the medium in which we create
Andrea Meegan
Story Quilts is dedicated to providing quilters with the best tools to create and tell their stories. In the months ahead you will find that we will be adding fabrics and tools that will help you tell your story through quilting.
We are going to be adding items that we as quilters, designers, and creators find to be helpful in expressing our creativity. Whether it's commemorating a special event like a new baby in the family; celebrating our passions; showing our creativity; or reliving a special moment or place - we want you to have the palette you need to create.
This month we are pleased to be able to share a couple of fabrics that will make your projects stand out. It's a shame that metallics are used primarily for holiday projects, because they can truly make the ordinary into something special.
We used Windham's Silver Solid Metallic Print to add some pizzazz to Claire Turpin's Unicornia. While the photo does not do it justice, the close-up shows how the metallic adds some magic.
We also used the same fabric on the star of a soon to be released pattern (this is soooo cute we couldn't wait to show it off)
There are countless ways to use these great 100% quilt quality fabrics in your designs. Click on the links below to buy them by the fat quarter or yard - and remember Free Shipping is included in the price!
Silver Solid Metallic Print by Windham
Gold Metallic Solid from Windham's Holiday Traditions Collection
Here's a link to Unicornia by Australian Designer Clair Turpin
Watch for the Bib pattern to come soon!